The Conscious Aging Workshop

According to the U.S. Administration on Aging, by 2030 there will be approximately 72 million people aged 65 years and older, more than twice the number in 2000. In our youth obsessed culture, there is a lot of anxiety about aging. Many people will face their later years as solo agers. Fears about aging or facing death and dying alone are painful for many. 

Aging is indeed challenging... yet it is also a time of great opportunity for spiritual, emotional and psychological growth. 

Over the course of four years, IONS, Institute of Noetic Sciences developed the Conscious Aging workshop to address these challenges and opportunities. Seniors are yearning to engage in dialogue together on these issues. They are looking for guidance, meaning making, connection and community to help fortify themselves for their aging years.

The Conscious Aging program is based in part on the research and practices described in two of IONS' seminal books: Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine, and Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life

The Conscious Aging Workshop Experience

Eight - two hour weekly classes - Small class size to comfortably and easily connect in a safe place – check calendar for upcoming classes

People assume that the solutions we’re seeking come from outside ourselves, but it’s important to recognize that some of the problems—as well as their solutions—arise from within us. In other words, it’s about consciousness. The focus of the Conscious Aging workshop series is to invite shifts in consciousness away from self-limitation, lack, isolation, and fear and toward expansiveness, inclusiveness, wholeness, connection, and compassion.

·         Explore your unexamined, self-limiting beliefs and assumptions about aging and learn to make better choices about how to age                more consciously;

·         Develop the skills of self-compassion to cope more effectively with the stresses associated with aging;

·         Discover what has given heart and meaning to your life and learn how that can enrich your  intentions for a healthy aging process;

·         Identify the regrets, sufferings, and negative self-concepts that have kept you from more fully appreciating yourself and your life;

·         Minimize any feelings of isolation from others and deepen your relationship with the world around you;

·         Learn to manage your fears and those of your loved ones in the presence of death through the transformative power of surrender              and acceptance;

·         Cultivate a personal roadmap for your own aging journey by deepening your spiritual life and learning to make each moment                  matter.

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