+ Tell me about your coaching background, credentials, and experience

I began my coaching practice as “The Marketing Coach”. I discovered while working with my business clients that many of them really didn’t like what they were doing. So I would have them pause, reflect, evaluate, and process from the inside out, to self-discover for the very first time their passion, skills, and talents. Then together, we would create a plan so they could live and breathe their uniqueness through their products and services to ignite their passion to make a difference. View my complete credentials.

+ How long have you been coaching clients?

25+ years

+ why do you love coaching?

I’m following my own passion because it fills me with gratitude to partner and coach my clients to connect with their heart – passion and step into their greatness to be all they’ve come here to BE and DO.

+ what differentiaties your coaching style from other coaches?

Please see my list of degrees, credentials, raves and reviews.

I listen with an open loving heart with compassion, kindness, and respect. As I surrender, I’m guided by my inner GOD voice to deeply listen to my client to self-discover their unique gifts that the worldis waiting for.

+ How do you coach?

I invite my prospective client to complete a pre-session questionnaire, so together we can evaluate if this is the highest and best coach/client relationship for them. I carefully interview my prospective client to listen and understand their life, spiritual, and career dreams, goals, and heart’s desire. Then we design and draft a coaching plan to set objectives, goals, and measurable outcomes.

+ What's your biggest challenge coaching clients?

Once my clients have connected with their greatness, their wild excitement now needs to be sculpted and channeled to love and serve the world with their unique skills andtalents to create their highest level of GOOD.

+ why are you a great coach?

I listen with an open loving heart to empower each client to live their greatness by serving in love gifting their skills and talents to create their unique legacy.

+ As a coach, how do you continue to fine tune your coaching skills?

Ongoing personal and professional development classes and continuous self-reflection and development with my personal coach.

+ what has been your success coaching clients?

Please read my raves and reviews.

+ Which professional colleagues do you refer your clients for psychological (family of origin, PTSD, addictions, depression, bi-polar, etc.), career and health needs?

I have a referral network of licensed professionals I trust and respect that complement my coaching solutions.

+ Which professional colleagues do you partner with for career testing and evaluation?

I have a referral network of career professionals I trust who have achieved measurable outcomes with my clients.

+ Do you offer a complimentary introductory coaching session?

I offer a 30-minute complimentary session.

+ Why are you the best coach for me?

I live from an open and loving heart, listening to my inner GOD voice who meets you right where you are on your life path. I also empower my clients to embrace lifetime changes.

+ Do you offer in Person, Phone, FaceTime, and zoom Coaching?

Yes, a method to fit your learning and lifestyle.

+ Do you offer both one-on-one and group coaching?


+ How many coaching sessions will I need?

Together, we'll evaluate your needs to determine how many coaching sessions.

+ How much do you charge?

I offer individual one hour and/or package coaching sessions (based on your special needs) to create the best value for a lifetime investment. VALUE ADD: You may record/video all your sessions for review and reinforcement.

+ May I call and email you between sessions?

Yes, I’m available to support and answer questions between your sessions.

+ Will I have coaching assignments?

Yes, we will summarize, evaluate, and agree after each coaching session which action items are to be completed before your next session.