My fur-baby love affair began when I was a little girl who was seeking comfort from a terrifying experience of domestic violent and alcoholic parents. My escape from fear and violence came when I could connect with Blake, a shimmering and loving black cat with piercing green moon shaped eyes and Susie, a gentle and calm standard white poodle. They provided me with a sense of peace and safety during the ongoing and frequent nightly battles. For a few minutes and sometimes hours, I knew I could drop into a moment of feeling cuddled, hugged, and loved by my fur-babies.
My mother expressed her deep need for love and comfort from our pets, however I often experienced unpredictable degrees of inconsistent expressions of love, like the wind suddenly changing velocity and direction. She felt so deeply unloved and abandoned, so she would often ignore or hit Susie because of her own emptiness, frustrations, and anger. Because I was a child, I didn’t understand why she would hurt Susie. I found myself wanting to comfort Susie, feeling deep guilt and sadness for the mistreatment of this innocent, helpless, and loving dog. I was too afraid and had “no voice,” so I was unable to stop the abuse for fear I would be the next recipient.
Throughout my life, I’ve been passionate about animals with a commitment to rescue many, many lost cats and dogs with the goal to reunite them with their fur-baby parent(s). In my heart, I’ve felt a deep desire to protect helpless animals from abuse, harm, and neglect.
Always, I have wrapped my arms around every fur-baby with unconditional love, tumbling into the present moment, spellbound by gazing into their eyes (the windows of their soul), feeling their warmth, and inhaling the sweet perfume of their rich fur. Each time, I felt the sweet surrender of my heart being captured, anesthetized, and filled with an over flowing fountain of love.
I love all pure breed and mixed breed cats and dogs, horses, donkeys, rabbits, potbelly pigs, etc., however in June ’98, twenty years ago, I fell in love with the dachshund breed (“Weiner dog”) and adopted an eight-week old dapple female. A week later, I decided Libby Louise Hart was lonely (me) so I went back and got her litter mate brother, a red dapple that I named Oliver Vincent Hart.
From left: Simon Elliott, Oliver Vincent, Libbie Louise Hart and Monica Hart.
After four years as a fur-baby parent, I decided I wanted a third dachshund. At the time, I was the Director of Contract Education at Yuba Community College District and one day I was driving to a client meeting and saw a license plate that read “Doxie Love,” so I followed the driver to her office. I believe life is Divinely orchestrated connecting us to our deep meaning and purpose for love. I soon learned that this woman was urgently trying to rehome a show stud/breeder red long-haired, mini male dachshund named Simon. She told me he had to be placed in a new home by the end of the week or be euthanized. So, that Saturday, I drove up to the little town of Colfax with Oliver and Libby to meet Simon. We instantly fell in love with Simon Elliott Hart, a 5-year-old and brought him home the same day.
In April 2015, Oliver Vincent Hart crossed the “Rainbow Bridge.”
In February 2017, Libby Louise (15 ½ yrs.) crossed over the “Rainbow Bridge,” Simon Elliott became deeply depressed. At 15 yrs. old, he lost his appetite, wouldn’t eat his treats, and just slept all the time. The day we picked up Libby’s ashes, I asked Dr. Jake at Franklin Ranch Pet Hospital if he knew of anyone who wanted to rehome a dachshund. He told me that someone had dropped off a wired-haired dachshund with a splash of cairn terrier who had been found in a rainstorm over three months ago. He introduced Simon and me to Carmel and we fell madly in love with her. We took her home and within a couple of days, Simon was running around with a spring in his step, excited, happy and in love with Caramel Louise Hart (her new name), his new girlfriend.
Simon is 18 ½ yrs. old and each morning, I waken to place my hand on his heart with the hope, gratitude, and love that I might have one more day with Simon Elliott Hart and enthusiastically entertained by the “Wild Child,” Caramel Louise.
He recently had his semi-annual physical including extensive blood work. Dr. Thornton said his lab work looked remarkably normal; however, he is almost totally blind and deaf with a slight heart murmur. He’s only been sick once his life, about three months ago with a urinary infection. He navigates with Caramel’s loving guidance and sweet bathing licks. He can still smell his kibble and treats, gobbling them up with an insatiable desire accented with cute begging. I’m very BLESSED! (P.S. Simon crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 5/12/20)
Today, I’m “Mama” to just Caramel Louise Hart, a 4 ½ year old. I affectionately call her “Wild Child,” Honey Bunny Princess, Love Buggy, Little Lady, Girlie, Girlie and Baby Girl.
I believe “LOVE” heals all. I practice unconditional love for all fur-babies, family, and beautiful souls in my life. I thank Spirit, each day that I can give and receive love from Caramel.
I would be honored to listen to the story of your precious fur-baby and how your heart has been touched and filled with memories of joy, peace, happiness, comfort, and LOVE!